Oregon Coast Cup 2021

20.0 16.0
Session 1 - 4-Ball
02/12/2021 - Sheep Ranch
DiGiano/Kaufmann (0/11) <- 1 up
match details
Loutrel/Koehorst (5/7)
Sawyer/Ball (0/4) <- 4 & 3
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Montgomery/Robertson (0/5)
O'hara/Victory (0/3) 7 & 6 ->
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Vandenbosch/Chang (1/5)
McGee/Cooper (5/13) 2 & 1 ->
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Yeung/Trovato (0/6)
Mills/Johnson (0/2) 4 & 2 ->
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Fox/Dong (1/0)
Fikse/Fedderson (2/0) 3 & 1 ->
match details
Trovato/McCall (2/7)
Last Update 2021-02-05 16:07:08 -0800
Session 2 - 4-Ball
02/13/2021 - Bandon Trails
Fikse/Cooper (5/16) <- 2 & 1
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Montgomery/Fox (0/5)
Ball/Kaufmann (0/6) Halved
match details
Chang/Koehorst (6/1)
Johnson/O'hara (2/1) Halved
match details
Loutrel/Robertson (0/1)
DiGiano/Sawyer (0/1) 3 & 2 ->
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Trovato/Yeung (6/2)
Mills/Fedderson (2/0) 2 & 1 ->
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Dong/McCall (2/9)
Victory/McGee (2/0) <- 3 & 2
match details
Trovato /Vandenbosch (0/0)
Last Update 2021-02-05 15:48:38 -0800
Session 3 - 4-Ball
02/13/2021 - Bandon Preserve
Ball/Johnson (0/0) <- 2 & 1
match details
Loutrel/Montgomery (0/0)
Kaufmann/Fikse (0/0) Halved
match details
Chang/Fox (0/0)
DiGiano/O'hara (0/0) <- 4 & 2
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Robertson /Koehorst (0/0)
Sawyer/McGee (0/0) 4 & 3 ->
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Yeung/Dong (0/0)
Fedderson/Cooper (0/0) 2 & 1 ->
match details
Trovato /Trovato (0/0)
Mills/Victory (0/0) <- 1 up
match details
McCall/Vandenbosch (0/0)
Last Update 2021-02-05 15:49:27 -0800
Session 4 - 4-Ball
02/14/2021 - Old Macdonald
DiGiano/Ball (0/6) <- 1 up
match details
Loutrel/Yeung (6/1)
Fikse/Johnson (0/1) 2 & 1 ->
match details
McCall/Koehorst (5/2)
O'hara/Fedderson (4/0) Halved
match details
Fox/Robertson (2/4)
Sawyer/Victory (0/8) <- 6 & 4
match details
Trovato/Chang (5/11)
Kaufmann/McGee (11/6) 4 & 3 ->
match details
Montgomery/Trovato (0/6)
Mills/Cooper (0/11) <- 1 up
match details
Dong/Vandenbosch (1/4)
Last Update 2021-02-05 16:10:04 -0800
Session 5 - Singles
02/14/2021 - Pacific Dunes
Justin Ball (0) <- 4 & 2
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Chip Loutrel (0)
Wade Fikse (0) 2 & 1 ->
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Mac McCall (5)
Eric Johnson (1) 2 & 1 ->
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Nathan Fox (0)
Vinny DiGiano (0) <- 2 & 1
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John Yeung (2)
Gerald O'hara (0) <- 2 & 1
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Paul Koehorst (1)
Chad Sawyer (0) <- 2 & 1
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Marc Trovato (5)
Blake Fedderson (0) <- 3 & 1
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Thorn Robertson (4)
Peter Kaufmann (0) <- 1 up
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Daniel Chang (0)
Derek Victory (2) <- 4 & 2
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Michael Trovato (0)
Ben Cooper (11) <- 3 & 1
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Cliff Dong (0)
Ben Mills (4) 2 & 1 ->
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Mike Montgomery (0)
Billy McGee (0) 4 & 3 ->
match details
Greg Vandenbosch (1)
Last Update 2021-02-05 16:12:15 -0800

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